213 Pierce Road Plymouth NY 13832
We currently do not use this web site for e-mail communication. Please use lambsqfarm@frontiernet.net
Urgent needs 4/16/2024:
- $2,000 for the overdue heating bills, getting close to 90 days overdue which is when they stop delivering and take the tanks away. It is an additional cost to have the tanks returned. Only AFTER this overdue bill is paid can we devote any funds to the following needs:
- $400 for towing cost for the donated camper for our guests
- $200 for city vendor spot to be able to sell farm products every day of the week
- $??? the battery on our computer died and we need it to be able to take our computer to the farmers market and show videos, access the internet for customers, etc.
- $500 for buck kid for mating goats. Meat is our best source of income for the farm.
- $500 for ram lamb for mating sheep.
- $1,000 (just a guess) for another repair for our only vehicle. It doesn't stay in gear and could be dangerous at an intersection when I have to get out of the way in a hurry!! I don't dare drive it anywhere where there is no cell phone service which limits me to the state route from the farm to Norwich (8 miles).
- looking for live-in assistant farm manager, email lambsqfarm@frontiernet.net if interested - preferences are (1) a military veteran committed to continuing this nonprofit rehab farm, (2) an account or mathematical genius to take over the accoiunting; beware this is NOT a paid position; we are too poor. This rehab farm is run 100% by volunteers.
- looking for more day time help; looking for more members to help pay for daily operating costs

Sorry, couldn't figure out how to enlarge the goat meat price list. Email us for a copy of the price list: lambsqfarm@frontiernet.net